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The Eco-Friendly Upgrade Worth $14,329 When You Sell IF YOU DO IT RIGHT | Episode 31



How would you like to add more than $14,000 to your sales price when you close your next transaction? I’ve got data that shows a simple, eco-friendly upgrade can make that happen for you…IF you do it right. Get the details and avoid the mistakes by listening to today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 31.---So who doesn’t love the environment AND want to make an extra 3.74 percent or so on their sales price when they sell their home thanks to being earth friendly? I know all of that sounds good to me! And once I tell you how to make it happen, it’s going to sound good to you, too. First, though I want to mention a really valuable resource that you can get, if it’s still available in your area, that will enable you to LEGALLY BYPASS BANKS when you need funding for your deals. It’s a FUNDING KIT that not only tells you how many properties in YOUR COUNTY are available for alternative funding, but tells you how to gain access to them as well. See if your target market is still available by going to www.