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Warning: New York City’s Pending REAL ESTATE CRASH | Episode 30



Do we have front row seats for the end of the country’s most popular, most resilient, hottest-by-definition real estate market? We’ll look at the disturbing facts today. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 30.Is it really possible that the New York City real estate market could be in trouble? It’s hard to imagine. When you think “hot real estate” you may think of the west coast today, but when you think of the DEFINITION of high-end, high-value, nearly-always-appreciating real estate you’d love to own, you probably think of New York City. So valuable that it’s basically out of the realm of possibility for most owners. So rare it’s generally perceived as impossible to lose if you own it. As desirable as Coke stocks passed down through generations. Square footage in the Big Apple.And now, it’s starting to look like the market to end all markets could be in serious trouble thanks to a dangerous overreliance on foreign investors, ultra-luxury buyers, and what has historically been an extremely solid winning strateg