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10 PERCENT LOWER APPRECIATION than the competition - THIS COMPANY SLOGAN is "Rubbing Off" on Local Housing for the Worse | Episode 25



Wouldn’t you want to know if buying near a certain HUGELY POPULAR store that is often touted as a BONUS by sellers could actually be LIMITING APPRECIATION compared to similar retailers by as much as 10 percent? If you don’t like the sound of “always low prices” and YOUR HOME in the same sentence, you can’t miss this. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 25.So, let’s just get this out in the open. We all love the people of Walmart. Some of us have even BEEN the people of Wal-Mart if we really needed that toilet paper run at midnight! And that’s okay. Wal-Mart gets a lot of grief from a lot of different directions, and this podcast is not about shaming Wal-Mart, its customers, or even its management. This podcast is about alerting you to the cold, hard facts that if you buy property near a Wal-Mart, it could cost you by comparison to buying near other big-box retailers.Now before we go any farther, I want to take a minute to put you on HIGH ALERT. REI Today has gained what we’re calling “first look access” to a br