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3 Keys to INVESTING PROFITABLY with the WEIRD FACTOR | Episode 24



We all love a little weird in our real estate, but we wouldn’t all want to live in the weird, you might say. Many real estate professionals have done some pretty wild things in order to “go viral” and get attention on their properties. Is it worth it? I’m Carole Ellis. I’ll give you both sides of the story today in Episode 24.So you may not have a hard and fast definition for it, but we all know weird when we see it. And because this episode is all about the WEIRD FACTOR in real estate, I’m going to take a little liberty and indulge in what we all know we secretly wanted when we started listening today: a list of the truly weird and a few insights into what actually works. If you want to get into really crazy detail however (say, more real estate weirdness than will fit in the next eight-and-a-half minutes), then head on over to our News and Networking section at www.REI.Today and check out our “Top 5 Weird Real Estate Decisions You Won’t Believe” article in that section.For now, though, let’s start cramming