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The EXACT WORDS TO SAY to get Your Deals Funded with Free Money from the Government | Episode 18



How would you like to know the specific words that you needed to say to open up a nearly LIMITLESS TREASURE TROVE of real estate funding with your personal name and your personal deals to benefit? If you’re in the mood to say “open sesame” to full funding for your deals that you never have to pay back, say, Aladdin! I’m Carole Ellis, and I’ll give you the exact details you need to make that vault open for you in Episode 18.----Let’s get started chanting some magic words, shall we? This stuff is so good, I’m not even going to make you wait for it today. You may recall in episode 13 we discussed how to basically guarantee yourself government funding for your real estate deals with our government grant funding expert, Chris Johnson. If you missed that episode, I highly, HIGHLY recommend that you listen to it next. You can play catch-up by going to or check out more success stories from people who have gotten tens and even hundreds of thousands of dollars in government funding for their real esta