Real Estate Investing Today : Real Estate Investing | Wholesaling | Flipping | Funding | Self Directed Ira | Finding Deals |

the TRUTH about buyers that will SET YOUR INVESTING BUSINESS FREE | Episode 16



What if you knew a SECRET about the people who buy your deals that would enable you to sell just about any deal within days – if not hours – of getting that deal lined up in the first place? If that just might light a fire under your real estate business, then listen up. I’m Carole Ellis, and I’ll reveal this secret in Episode 16.----There is a secret that far too few investors realize about the people who buy their deals, but the investors who are “in the know” are able to do more deals, more quickly, and with less of their own money on the line than anyone else. It’s a really important little piece of information to have, and we’re going to talk about exactly how to GET IT today. However, before we do so, I’ve got another “important little piece of information” you’re not going to want to miss: the location of a city in which home prices have gone up 25 PERCENT in the past year alone. It’s not located on the west coast either. The local and national governments that regulate this municipality have worked to