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The 2 VIEWS that can SAVE OR COST YOU 2 WEEKS on Market | Episode 15



How would you like to know how looking out a window could save you 2 weeks on market? I’ll reveal the hard numbers behind this simple time-and-money-saving real estate trick in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is episode 15. When you look out the window of a potential real estate investment, you’re probably checking out the state of the neighbor’s property, worrying about spotting potential maintenance or landscaping issues, or evaluating how much you can charge for a fantastic view. However, you ought to be doing something far simpler as well: adding or subtracting at least two weeks from your potential time on market. It may be difficult to believe, but researchers recently analyzed millions of listing records from just the past three months and determined that certain common views can actually add or subtract as much as two weeks from the amount of time that elapses between when you list a property and when it sells.Now, as you well know, I’m going to get right to that very timely (haha)