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CELL PHONE TRICK to catch the PROFIT-SUCKER that exists in 98 percent of buildings | Episode 14



What if spotting an invisible structural problem that can SUCK THE PROFIT right out of your deals was as simple as turning on your phone? That’s right: 98 percent of buildings in the United States have this issue to one degree or another, and if you know where to look on your phone, you can spot it. Get the insight on this tiny profit-sucker in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 14.Can you believe that 98 percent of the buildings in the country have an invisible structural issue that is literally sucking the profits out of them every single day it goes unresolved? Kind of makes you want to check the ground under your feet, doesn’t it? Before we expose this massive issue that you’ve probably experienced already without even knowing it, however, I want to take just 30 seconds to mention something else that might make the earth move for you if you happen to be renting at this time. You know those mortgage-interest tax deductions homeowners love? Well, there’s a bill in Congress right now, JUST FO