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The Street Name that Could Cost You 44-PERCENT of Your Sales Price | Episode 12



Can you believe that a STREET NAME could cost you 44 percent? Before you laugh, more than 110 million listings say it can. That’s right: Zillow’s at it again, and this time, they’ve revealed the street name that, on AVERAGE, costs its homeowners 44 percent of value when compared to the average price of a home in the United States. I’m Carole Ellis. I have THAT little gem of a ticking time bomb and so much more today in Episode 12. It’s really, really hard to believe, but a certain street name can actually mean DEATH to your home value when compared to other homes in your area. Zillow, that online real estate listings giant that some love and some love to hate, has released a new tidbit of information that could have some, well, deadly effects on your comps if you’re not careful. Before we reveal the street name of doom, however, I want to mention something easy that you CAN do to improve your property’s value against those of local comparable competition. According to the experts at “This Old House,” one of t