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How to DESTROY a 70-PERCENT ROI in Five Minutes | Episode 11



Are you making a SIMPLE MISTAKE that could DESTROY a solid, scientifically supported 70-PERCENT return on investment in about FIVE MINUTES? If you watch even one real-estate-related television show a MONTH, the odds are good you’ve at least been tempted to do this…Today, I’ll expose this TEMPTING TV MISTAKE for what is really is – a disaster waiting to happen. I’m Carole Ellis. This is episode 11. You’d heard TV was bad for you, but did you know what watching the “Educational programming” can do to your real estate profits? In this episode, I’ll reveal exactly how following the tube-touted experts can lead you far, far astray. First, though, I want to mention something that could really help your buyers (and by extension, you) out. A new type of mortgage lending program is trending at the biggest banks in the country, and the upshot is that they’re offering really low down payments to qualified buyers who are, well, not always even aware that they could be in the market for a home. Get the details on these pr