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The SECRET SIGN that Your Market is TOO HOT to Handle | Episode 10



When is a HOT MARKET Too Hot to Handle? When it’s getting ready to boil over, of course. We’ve been watching certain market trends closely here at REI Today, and we’ve discovered a TROUBLING OVERSIGHT that could affect YOUR FINANCES even if you don’t think you have the FIRST PENNY invested in real estate. I’ll tell you all about the HUGE FLASHING RED LIGHT most investors are BLINDLY MISSING and exactly how to turn that RED LIGHT into a green one for your investing dollars. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 10.So let’s turn a few blazing housing markets on their heads today before you end up getting burned, shall we? I’ve got some really exciting information on what is driving the majority of today’s high profile hot markets and the details on exactly how you can leverage some INSIDER KNOWLEDGE into sound real estate investments in these markets. First, though, I want to take just 30 seconds to give a quick shout-out to Florida, where the state legislature is taking the recent wave of crimes against real estat