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MIND CONTROL For Higher Profits On Your Real Estate! | Episode 5



Want to learn a simple mind-control trick that can add 10 percent to your real estate sales prices? I’m Carole Ellis, and I’ll tell you exactly what you need to know to leverage this SPOOKY but highly effective real estate strategy in episode 5 of REI Today.-----Let’s go ahead and tack an extra ten percent onto that your next real estate profit, shall we? I’ve got good news. This strategy won’t cost you a penny, and it’s as easy as, well, rearranging your furniture. I’ll explain. First though, speaking of furniture, can you imagine a scenario in which it would make GOOD INVESTING SENSE to put $6,000 into a beer pong table? No? I couldn’t either, but in some cases, turns out I was wrong. Get the scoop on the situations in which it makes sense to sink CRAZY CASH into WEIRD HOME AMENITIES in our News and Networking Section at REI.Today. I’ll tell you not just about the craziness, but the actual, real-life payoff story as well. Now back to mind control…First let’s set the scene: You’re selling a property, and it’