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WARNING -- this is the BLACK HOLE of Real Estate Profits | Episode 3



It’s going to sound like science fiction, but it’s real-life real estate Horror!  You’re about to learn the tiny oversight that can make the profit on your latest real estate deal – and the property itself – literally vanish into oblivion without a trace.  I’m Carole Ellis.  I’ll tell you exactly where this is happening RIGHT NOW in Episode 3.-------Imagine how you would feel if a real estate EXPERT gave you information that directly led to the loss of thousands or even TENS OF THOUSANDS of dollars of your hard-earned investment money. You’d be crushed, just like a certain Florida buyer who was DELIBERATELY MISLED by the couple who sold her a “bargain home” and accidentally misled by a certain professional who plays a role in just about every single real estate transaction. Today, I’ll tell you all about this homeowner’s horror story and then we’ll discuss exactly how YOU as an investor can protect yourself from similar disasters.Before we get to the real DIRT, though, I have to take 30 seconds to mention a D