Rude Tudors

62-Killer Unicorns



Programming note: watch for new episodes on Sundays! Do you believe in unicorns? Want to find out if Renaissance folks did? Check out the latest episode of history podcast Rude Tudors, hosted by literary historian Liz Rodriguez and comic actress Nicole Keating. Some might assume that unicorns have always been glittery, Lisa Frank creations with rainbows shooting out of their butts. But the unicorns described in Edward Topsell’s English-language bestiary are the stuff of nightmares. Dangerous, mysterious, and sometimes the size of an elephant, these creatures were a mythological force to reckon with.  Find out the answers to... How were unicorns’ appearance and behavior described? Where were they supposedly found? What medicinal qualities did their horns have? Did English people actually believe in unicorns? Listen to the latest mashup of English history and modern popular culture. Contact at, Facebook, Twitter,