Police Academy Podcast

Roll Call #5 - The Mystery of Man



Recent events:Lots of good OIS videos being posted in the channel. If you want to be part of that conversation, become a member!One common theme where officers struggle: Move laterally to cover!! The natural response is to move AWAY, often backwards This is BAD Moving sideways does a few things Get into shooters OODA loop (Observe Orient Decide Act) Moving backwards doesn’t change their target acquisition much Sideways means they have to track you continually or re-aquire you if they look away It keeps you from tripping allows you to control the angle from which to fightWeekly wisdom and Citation/Book Section:The Mystery of Man: Why do people do what they do? A little insight into why it seems there are so many idiots out there! To get the part of the episode, you have to be a membergo to patreon.com