Police Academy Podcast

Roll Call #3 - The Minneapolis Morons



PAP Nation Roll CallOne every week for membersUpdates on podcastRecent newsDeep philosophical revelationsWhat’s going on, what to watch out for, where we’re headingCitation reviewRecent events:Minneapolis wanted to pay “influencers?”It’s call a PR office. This city is being run by morons (like many others)"I would predict that this department on day one is going to look an awful lot like a police department and the Office of Violence Prevention, both as they currently exist, but reporting to the new commissioner," Fletcher said, adding that they could bring in additional divisions in the future.They are realizing that replacing the police is harder than those BLM protesters made it sound.BLM’s goals vs the goals of their useful idols Reform and “defund/dismantle” are very differentNext up, our weekly wisdom, an update on new merch, and a look into the book from which our motto came and why it matters for all of us. If you want to hear the rest of our PAP Nation Roll call, head on over to Patreon.com/policeaca