Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

No parents are perfect: Ann Wilson: 231



Does it seem like everyone is doing a better job at parenting than you? Today I have author, speaker and radio host Ann Wilson on the show. It was such a treat to have her on today, she shared her experience raising her 3 sons and the things that she learned.  Ann started off talking about the "minivan days" ages 5-12 and how fun those ages were and how she took advantage of being in the car with her kids for so many hours. She also shared with us how they decided that when the kids were younger that they wanted their home to be the home the kids all wanted to go to and how they went about creating that space.  Ann also talked about the teen years and what she learned from that time frame and what things she would of changed.  One topic that stood out to me, that it's so easy to compare yourself to other moms that you feel like are doing it better. Hear what she has to say about this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this episode make sure to listen to this one about the difference your family can