Faith Talks

068 - Remember Your Position! Part 2



Here’s some interesting facts about kings: The title of “King” is an inherited position - it’s not earned or worked for, it’s a position that is bestowed on someone by birthright. It is a King’s responsibility to protect and defend the kingdom A King is expected to engage in offensive war against the enemies of the kingdom when the kingdom’s safety and peace is compromised A King has been granted divine power to carry out these tasks All of the the resources of the kingdom are at the King’s disposal to rule effectively. A King is still the King whether he’s in the throne room, lying in bed, walking in the garden, or going shopping. A King is still the King even if he doesn’t FEEL like he’s king that day A King knows he’s King, not because of his physical location, what he’s wearing or doing, but because it’s his WHO HE IS. Everything in his kingdom has to come under his rule and authority because of the POSITION HE HOLDS. In Romans 5:17 tells us that we are to "reign in life" which literally