10-minute Mentor With Rich Perry

Self-Management Skills for Improved Goal Setting



In this episode: We’ll discuss key self-management skills for improved goal setting. Successful people know the importance of setting the right goals. Think about the people in your life. How many frequently set New Year’s Resolutions only to let them to fall to the wayside by Valentines’ Day? That’s just one particular goal but more than likely those people set poor goals the remainder of the year too. [YOU BE THE EXPERT] Share your best goal setting tip in the comments area. [10-MINUTE CHALLENGE] Use the SMART Goal method to set a goal that you can achieve within the next 24 hours.   I’d love to hear your thoughts. Drop a comment or send a message. I’m listening!   “I Help You Build the Brand Your Customers Will Trust”   [JOIN OUR EXCLUSIVE FACEBOOK GROUP]  https://www.facebook.com/groups/10MinuteMentor    [FREE COACHING & TRAINING]  https://richperry.com/