
Episode 120 – 3 Reasons You’re Getting Ruled Out in an Interview



Welcome back! On this episode of the Cameron-Brooks podcast, we continue our series of interview tips to help elevate your interview game. Of course the ultimate goal in moving from the military to Corporate America is to chose the best opportunity amongst many and avoid any early career "do-overs." More on that HERE and HERE and HERE! For now, here are the three most common reasons that we see as to why people get ruled out of interviews. Rapport! All too often I see an officer so focused on delivering the perfect answer that they lose sight of the conversational nature of the interview. This means having a good back-and-forth dialogue in order for the hiring manager to further explain the company and/or opportunity and for you to explain your interest and fit. Unfortunately, sometimes an inexperienced interviewer will see the interview more like a military board than a conversation. Connect! Often in workshops and mock interviews I will ask a military officer if the position we are practicing with is a