
Episode 121 – Our Most Frequently Asked Questions (Part 1)



Welcome back to another addition of the podcast! Many of the people who have chosen to partner with Cameron-Brooks already know much about our model - who we are, what we do, how we do it and our relationship with the companies who come to us seeking to hire Junior Military Officers. That said, even people who know a lot about who we are had to start somewhere. That start is usually defined by doing research and that research often includes an informational phone call with a team member at Cameron-Brooks. Hope happens to be one of the team members at Cameron-Brooks who spends a lot of time with officers looking for more information. Though we publish a list of FAQs HERE and HERE , Hope thought it would be a good idea to cover some of the most frequently asked questions on the podcast. I couldn't agree more! So, Hope, Joel and I hit the record button and Hope led us through a series of questions she receives most often. We only covered 7 questions but the session took about an hour and twenty minutes, so we