Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Six-Figure Blogging: Careers you can do from home series: Kate Kordsmeier: 236



Have you ever wondered how you could make money blogging, especially six-figures? Today we have blogger and business coach Kate Kordsmeier on the show. Using her journalism career and paired with some health issues that she was having with PCOS she built a blog that ended up making six figures.   She then realized that people really wanted to know how to make money on blogging so she explains how she pivoted and started a brand new blog focusing on that.  Kate, mentions that when she started her blog it was very intentional, she wanted another revenue stream and she always knew she wanted it to be a business not a hobby. We talk about how blogs can still be monetized even if people think blogging is from the past. Kate told us that people say oh it's too late to start a blog it's 2021 but she said more people are online then ever before because of the pandemic and that actually more people read blogs then check email.  She did say that you have to have the right mind set if you want to make money and treat i