Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Taking care of yourself in your 40s: Kate Turner: 235



Are you approaching your 40s or in your 40s and finding that your needs are changing in regards to your overall health? Today we have Kate Turner on the show.  Having 8 years of experience in the nutrition field she has a passion for helping women feel their best. I wanted to have Kate share with us her thoughts on what women can do approaching their 40s to have optimal health.  If you are already in your 40s don't worry we have you covered as well!  So let's start with your mid to late 30s, there are few key things to focus on and even if you are in your 40s it's not too late.  Kate shares with us metabolism decreases 5-10% every decade, and that we need to make sure to eat enough, many women are restricting too much, meal skipping, and reducing their calorie intake.  Here is the kicker, if you are not consuming enough its slows your metabolism down even more,  and then your body thinks its going into starvation mode. We need to be very protective of our metabolism, it's hard to get it back if we keep doing