Unknown Words With Matthew Anderson

#32 - Sunny Bleckinger



Family can be a strange thing. Both pieces by Sunny Bleckinger on today's show, one fiction and non-fiction, explore the complicated feelings that go hand in hand with having a complicated family. In the non-fiction piece he recounts meeting his father after being adopted and out of all contact for 20 years. In addition to their wobbly newfound relationship is the mystery of his mother, a person no one has seen since she kidnapped Sunny and his sister. In the fiction piece, a man does the reuniting for his estranged parents himself. In choosing to take in two very erratic people under one roof, the pressure on the man builds until he finally finds escape, soaring through the sky, as a duck. Literally. You can find Sunny's writing published in Word Riot and Monkeybicycle, as well as on his website. Check out his podcast for the IPRC entitled, The Staple.    Conversation Topics: writing, Amsterdam, literature, short stories, parenthood, kids, family, tennis, surrealism, massage therapy.  Music by Prism Palac