Unknown Words With Matthew Anderson

#27 - Mensah Demary



In Mensah Demary's short story, a middle aged man who's left his marriage crumbling encounters a brazen, single young mother, and he begins to question even further what he actually wants.  "Butcher's Block" was first published in PANK magazine.  His fiction has also appeared in Metazen, Monkeybicycle,  and the Safety Pin Review among others. His non-fiction can be found in Salon, Thought Catalog, The Lit Pub and elsewhere.  Mensah is an associate editor with Catapult and the founding editor of Specter Magazine.  Follow him on Twitter @mensah4000   Conversation Topics: writing, literature, memoir, New York, Brooklyn, New Jersey, publishing, middle age, Roxane Gay, mentorship, Maggie Nelson, The Argonauts, non-fiction, essay.     Music by Mon Nobi MUSH   To submit fiction, non-fiction, and poetry between 1,000 and 4,000 words, send it to: unknownwordspodcast@gmail.com   Follow the show @unknownwordspod Facebook Instagram