
Beavers Caused An Internet Outage 04-27-2021



Podcast show notes April 26, 2021 1. Beavers disconnect Internet for Tumblr Ridge British Columbia residence https://www.google.ca/amp/s/sports.yahoo.com/amphtml/beavers-shut-down-internet-36-105115245.html 2. Tim Hortons closes major innovation café. Could they be struggling? Could it be just because of the pandemic? https://financialpost.com/news/retail-marketing/a-sign-of-maturity-or-the-times-tim-hortons-closes-its-much-ballyhooed-innovation-cafe/wcm/c7532f55-1901-4fa0-b3ea-274f8be94ed5/amp/ 3. Google Argentina lost its domain name for a few minutes. Thanks to an Internet 30-year-old web designer https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-56870270 4. Thanks for listening to the podcast. See you tomorrow, be safe.