Gullah/geechee Nation

Saving Gullah/Geechee Land Caravan Launch



On Queen Quet Day 2021, Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation ( found herself faced with a continued obligation instead of a celebration-saving Gullah/Geechee sacred sites.  She posted a video on Facebook that went viral in one day.  It has not garnered close to half a million views.  This came while the Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition was also standing with the Westside Savannah Gullah/Geechee Famlee to protect The Weeping Time Historic Site.    On Sunday, April 25, 2021, Queen Quet, Dr. Amir Toure, and Representative Anita Collins stood together with the Gullah/Geechee Famlee of Savannah, GA to launch the "Saving Gullah/Geechee Land Caravan."  Tune een fa yeddi how hunnuh kin jayn we fa de Saving Gullah/Geechee Land Caravan!   Disya da we sho-Gullah/Geechee Riddim Radio!