Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Did you know perimenopause can start at 35: Vanessa Ford: 237



Did you know perimenopause can last 7-13 years staring at the age of 35? Today we have Vanessa Ford on the show to do a 2 part episode discussing the perimenopausal/menopausal transition. You may be thinking "oh I am too young for that", make sure to keep reading! Vanessa who is cofounder of Menolabs, was prompted to action when, at 44 she had a period that lasted 3 weeks! Unsatisfied with the lack of support that women experience during this stage of life, and finding the stereotypes of women in mid-life exasperating and insulting, she created MenoLabs to address what she sees as a glaring need in every woman’s life. If you are curious what products Menolab has to offer check out the link below or in the shownotes and make sure to use my discount code to get 10% off! Vanessa knew she needed to do something about this topic because there is a severe lack of research into perimenopause and menopause, despite the fact that it affects all women: • 25 million women in the United States are in the menopause transi