
The Mid Day Show With J.R. Bjornson 05-01-2021



Podcast notes for May 1, 2021 #1. Intro to the show, it has been quite the emotional few days. As my house cat is causing me trouble. #2. Good news coming out of Red Deer Alberta Canada. Students at local school raise $815 for pet Humane Society. https://www.reddeeradvocate.com/news/red-deer-students-raise-money-for-central-alberta-humane-society/ #3. The Canadian dollar is at an all-time high of $.81. This is good news for consumers and does not affect business is just yet. https://globalnews.ca/news/7822618/canadian-dollar-highest-level-81-cents/amp/ #4. The mosquitoes are coming! The mosquitoes are coming! Edmonton to not spray for mosquitoes this year in order to save $1 million. https://edmontonjournal.com/news/local-news/mosquitos-fly-back-into-edmonton-what-to-expect-this-season/wcm/bda844f1-1170-4457-b4dd-4e330c7358a4/amp/ #5. Thanks for listening to the show today. Be back tomorrow for another episode.