Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Did you know the average age to start menopause is 51: Vanessa Ford: 238



Did you know there is something called "menopause rage" ? Today we have Vanessa Ford back on the show to do the second episode discussing the perimenopausal/menopausal transition.  If you missed last week's episode make sure to go back and listen to that first, it's full of amazing information.  Today, Vanessa shares with us that the average age of menopause is 51 so if you can have perimenopause for 7-13 years that means you can start having symptoms in your late 30s'. Menopause technically is when you don't have a period for 12 months consecutively, so if you start your period within that timeframe that means you start all over again before you can say you are in menopause.  Vanessa who is cofounder of  Menolabs, was prompted to action when, at 44 she had a period that lasted 3 weeks! Unsatisfied with the lack of support that women experience during this stage of life, and finding the stereotypes of women in mid-life exasperating and insulting, she created MenoLabs to address what she sees as a glaring need