Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

What happens when your defense strategies turn on you? And, my experience with a new type of therapy. EP 125



I’ve been on the path of self-discovery and personal development for almost 20 years now... and I’m still learning! I often fantasize about reaching the mountain top, arms raised, a huge smile on my face, and yelling, I’ve got it all figured out! Doesn’t that sound awesome!? The truth is, just like physical or spiritual health, self-improvement is a lifelong journey. On this episode, I share about a revelation I had about how the tools and strategies I’ve used to keep myself emotionally safe have turned on me. And, my experience with a new type of therapy, internal family systems therapy (IFS) and what I’m learning. Let me know what you think by hitting me on social media or giving the podcast a rating and written review on your favorite podcast platform. K Preston Moore Instagram @kprestonmoore Facebook: Facebook Group: Linkedin: Spotify: https://open.spoti