Psychology America With Dr. Alexandra

The Honeymoon Phase of Love: with Justine Bates-Krakoff, MS



The honeymoon phase of love is one of the greatest human experiences. Learn from this episode: What is the honeymoon phase? What is happening in our brains? How long does the honeymoon phase last? How can learning about the honeymoon phase apply to smart dating? How can knowledge about the honeymoon phase inform us about marital affairs? How can the above inform us about long distance relationships? Can long term relationships keep the honeymoon phase going and how? (The answer is: yes they can!) My guest for this episode is Justine Bates-Krakoff, MS, an expert on brain-behavior relationships, including work in: a longitudinal study examining genetic, cognitive, and interpersonal vulnerability to depression, a group intervention based on The Penn Resiliency Program (PRP), an investigation on PTSD and resilience trajectories in at-risk populations following traumatic events, and internship at New York Presbyterian Hospital on an affective disorders acute inpatient unit serving adults with primary diagnoses of