Psychology America With Dr. Alexandra

Ignoring: When to Ignore Children and Adults, a Conversation with Cassandra Hoy



When we see bad behavior in children and adults, we may feel compelled to "do something," but there are times when seemingly "doing nothing," or ignoring, is the best response. When is ignoring a misbehaved child the best response? How might ignoring an adult be the best way to inspire behavior change? Enjoy vivid stories and new learning with Dr. Alexandra and her expert guest, Cassandra Hoy, MA. In this episode New York City resident Cassandra "Cass" Hoy shares practical ideas from Parent Management Training (PMT) and cognitive behavioral psychology with listeners. Cassandra has worked with children, adolescents and adults at Columbia University Medical Center, the New York Presbyterian Weill Cornell University, the Center for Psychological Services at Fairleigh Dickinson University, NJ and at Integrated Care for the Underserved of Northeastern New Jersey. Cassandra is a doctoral candidate in clinical psychology at Fairleigh Dickinson University and studied PMT in depth through