

You have a message to share and an audience to serve. But is the technology getting in the way? Not sure where to start or what to do next? Well, If you are an author, speaker, blogger, or just looking to getting your message out to an audience online this is the place to be. Welcome to the Content Creator Show. Hey, it’s Brian, founder of The Dixon Agency, and in this 15th episode of the Content Creator Show, I am going share 3 tips to help you get the most out of a live conference. Attending a live conference is expensive. But can be worth it. Here’s how. Build Relationships -Volunteer -Sit with different people -Introduce yourself -Be a connector Get Feedback -Share your stuff -Ask specific questions Take Action -Stay up late and work on your stuff Remember, you have a message to share and an audience to serve. Now let’s go change the world. And don’t forget to join the conversation. Add your comment below.