Noir Factory Podcast

Case #009: Dame Agatha Christie



Agatha Christie was the bestselling author of all time, and living in the days of Stephen King and J.K. Rowling, that means something. In literature, it goes the bible, Shakespeare, and Christie.   In short, she is what legends in mystery writing aspire to be.   But it wasn’t always like that for her.   When you look at Agatha Christie’s story, is helps to know something about her mother, Clara Boehmer. Clara was the only daughter of a military man and an Englishwoman. She older brothers, one of which died very young, but they had left home to join the armed forces or to make their own way in the world.   But Clara was the youngest and she stayed behind at the family’s home in Belfast, Ireland. At least as long as she could.   Clara was still very young when her father, a captain, died in a riding accident. Her mother scraped by on a meager income and could barely support herself, let alone her daughter. So in her daughter’s best interests, she sent her to live with her aunt in West Sussex. Clara’s aunt had