Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

Are you a Dysfunctional Decision Maker? I am, and here's what it looks like today. EP 127



Something I talk about quite regularly is, it is not about the decisions you make, it’s about how you go about making them.  In other words, are you making decisions out of fear, shame, or guilt or are you making them out of conviction, certainty, or faith? For me, there is a HUGE difference!  Recently, I made a decision that turned out to be a good one yet, it was deeply rooted in fear and insecurity.  I've been telling you for years that when I grow up, I want to speak, train, and coach.  (Yes, I still don't feel like a grown-up most of the time.) However, I don't seem to make it happen. I have speaking notes for days, I have a short book written, and often, people show interest in having me in to speak to their group and I ghost them (meaning, I don't follow through or follow up). The other night I was listening to the Social Proof Podcast, with David Shands. He was interviewing Jeremy Anderson, one of the top motivational speakers in the country and teaches people how to build a business speaking.  On the