Ko Sales Coach

Are You In The Game or On The Bench



Look at any great coach and you’ll find they spend most of their time coaching the players on the field, rather than the players on the bench. If you think about it from the coaches point of view why would you devote time to those who “aren’t in the game”?  The question is where are you? Are you in the game or on the bench? Are you you coachable? On today's show discover: ... how to be coachable ... why it’s critically important to your success; ... how to spend more time “in the game” Being coachable is something that transcends sports, business, and really is important to every aspect of your life. It's important because it means you’re open to new ideas, ready to listen, willing to take a hard look at your own performance and take advantage of the experience of others. It also means you’re enthusiastic, eager to learn, positive and constantly striving to be better. Quite frankly, you’re someone a coach WANTS to coach. Coaches can tell, believe me, it’s really easy to spot someone who’s coachable and just