Ko Sales Coach

It’s Smart to Make Your Customer Feel Smart



We Like Compliments Just about everyone likes a compliment. It makes you feel good, builds up your confidence and can even make you feel smart. And what about the person who gave you the compliment? What do you think of them? (pretty awesome right?) Giving your customer a compliment and making them feel smart can help you build tremendous rapport! But you have to be careful that your compliments are sincere, appropriate and you’re not saying things that make your customer defensive. On today's show discover: ... tips for helping your customer feel smart ... ways you might be making them feel...not so smart ... and how all of this helps you look smarter too! How To Make Your Customer Feel Smart You’ve heard it before, people buy from people they know, like and trust and what better way to get someone to like you then by making them feel smart. Here are a few ways you can help your customer feel smart. Acknowledge the Smart Things They Say You know customers are pretty savvy these days and many of them have d