Ko Sales Coach

Why What You Say Isn't Always What They Hear



Misinterpreted Communication It happens all the time, you say something but what you mean isn’t always interpreted properly. Sometimes it can be quite funny...you know like when you ask your kids to pick up their room they hear “slide all of those toys and clothes under your bed so I can’t see them.” But in sales the difference between what you say and what your customer hears isn’t always that humorous. On today's show discover: ...common things salespeople say; ...ways customers misinterpret those messages; ...and better ways to get your message across. Subscribe to KO Sales Coach iTunes | Android | Email | RSS | More Subscribe Options Leave a Rating and Review in iTunes The Things Salespeople Say Communication isn’t easy just because you know what you mean doesn’t mean your customers will. To get your message across it’s important to thoughtfully select words and phrases that are less likely to be misinterpreted. Here are some common messages we use in sales and how your customer may be misinterpreting