Ko Sales Coach

How to Encourage Customers to Sell Themselves



No One Can Sell You Like You Nobody can sell you on buying something better than you and that goes for your customer as well. When they get excited and want to buy, just stand back and get out of the way! What if you could structure your conversations in such a way that your customers actually sell themselves? That would be pretty cool right? On today's show discover: ...how to keep your customers engaged; ...why you need to be careful what you ask for; ...how to focus your conversation in such a way that your customers practically sell themselves. Subscribe to KO Sales Coach iTunes | Android | Email | RSS | More Subscribe Options Leave a Rating and Review in iTunes Who's Doing All The Talking? Despite what some people may think selling isn’t about “talking somebody into something” in fact most of the best salespeople in the world say very little. When you’re doing all the talking it’s likely your customer has simply tuned out and you’re sounding more and more like the teacher from Charlie Brown. On the f