Ko Sales Coach

How to Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable



Go Out on a Limb Most people associate risk with danger and when we’re in dangerous territory we’re uncomfortable. But there is an upside to taking calculated risks and being a little uncomfortable. Take an apple tree for example...the fruit grows at the tips of the branches, not next to the trunk. You have to be willing to go out on a limb, where you might not feel comfortable to get the good fruit. For your sales life to be fruitful...you need to do the same thing...you need to get comfortable being uncomfortable. On today's show discover: ...why it’s important for your sales career to embrace the uncomfortable; ...how to get past those things that might be holding you back; ...and why getting uncomfortable might be the best thing you’ve ever done for yourself. We Love Our Comfort Zones It’s human nature to move toward those things that are comfortable. We do love our comfort zones! But when you look at people who have found success whether in sales, sports, business or any aspect of life you see people t