Ko Sales Coach

How to Master New Habits in 7 Easy Steps



Do you remember when you learned to drive a car? For most of us it was a big deal! There were a lot of details to learn, and skills to develop. New drivers need to spend time developing good habits in order to be safe. Signal when you turn, look both ways before you pull out, check your rearview mirror and side mirrors regularly.   It’s the same in sales...there’s a lot to learn and over time you develop habits (good or bad) that become so ingrained you may not even realize what you’re doing. I mean, have you ever driven all the way home and realized you don’t remember details about the trip? (I know kind of scary but that’s an example of how ingrained habits can be) On today's show discover: ...why it’s important to develop good habits in sales; ...and seven easy steps to master any new sales habit. Habits are those funny little quirky things we all do without even thinking about it, Good habits are the foundation of success When you compare top salespeople to everyone else one of the most interesting t