Ko Sales Coach

Sell The Destination Not the Plane



What Customer's are Really Interested In Are you impressed when a salesperson just rattles off a bunch of facts and features using "industry language" that you don't even understand? No, me either. What most customers want to know about your product is...how will it benefit them? On today's show discover: ... how wowing the customer with your product knowledge can cost you sales; ... what customers really want to know;   ... and why customers are far more excited to buy the destination than the plane.   Do You Know Where Your Customer Wants to Go? Last week we talked about how discovering your customer’s hot button can help you build value in your product. If you missed that episode check out KOSalesCoach.net/41. Hot Buttons are where your customer wants to go. They want to be able to go for walks on the beach again, they want to be able to rekindle a relationship, or regain their independence. It’s a place they aren’t at now and it’s a place they want to get back to. You know, I listen to sales calls every