Ko Sales Coach

Hot Buttons Everybody Has One



The Thing You Love The Most If you had the entire day off, paid and you could do anything what would you do? You know for fun, just for you? On today's show discover: ... that everyone has a hot button; ... why finding your customer’s hot button is so important; ...and how connecting with the emotional reason they want your product can make the entire sales process much easier! Subscribe to KO Sales Coach iTunes | Android | Email | RSS | More Subscribe Options Leave a Rating and Review in iTunes What Are Hot Buttons? Whenever I think about hot buttons I think of that Big Red EASY button you may have seen in some ads on TV. I think of that because hot buttons make the sales process much easier. Hot Buttons are the emotional reasons customers want your product and believe it or not, they are WAY more important than the logical reasons they want it. In fact, we did an entire episode on that called Why Mr Spock Was Wrong about Why People Buy. Don’t get me wrong, getting a hot button doesn’t guarantee a sale and