Ko Sales Coach

3 Ways You May be Better at Sales Than You Think



You’re Better at Sales than You Think Sometimes when people are new to sales you’ll hear them say things like “I’m not a salesperson” or ‘I’m not good at sales”. It’s probably the same thing skydiving instructors hear when they run into people who’ve never jumped out of a plane before. But if you’ve never done it before, how do you know you’re no good at it? Maybe, just maybe, you’re better at it than you think you are.   On today’s show discover: …that you have more sales experience than you think you have; …and three ways you may actually be better at sales than people who’ve been doing it for awhile. I’m Not a Salesperson Why do people like to say “I’m not a salesperson?” I think it’s because of what they imagine a salesperson to be. If your internal definition of a salesperson is a pushy, shady, tricky, fast talking, flim-flam artists that coerces people into buy things they don’t want…then I totally get where you’re coming from. I wouldn’t want to be that either. But is that really what a salesperson i