Ko Sales Coach

8 Ideas to Start Your Sales Day Right



Start Your Day Off Right We’ve all been there, some days you’re just not into it and it’s hard to get motivated. But what separates top sales professionals for everyone else is there ability to rise to the challenge everyday, stay focused and make it happen. On today’s show discover: …8 tips for starting your day off right; … and how to get motivated for a great sales day, even when you don’t feel like it. Tip 1 – Take Care of Your Basic Needs No doubt you’ve heard of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. It says that until your basic needs are met you can’t move on to bigger and better things. Think about the last time you were REALLYhungry, at a certain point getting something to eat became your primary focus, even to the point where nothing else mattered! If you’re hungry, feel rushed, feel tired or drained it’s going to impact your sales ability. Sales is about transferring your enthusiasm to your customer and if you’re focused on other things you won’t be giving your customer your best. This tip starts even bef