Ko Sales Coach

5 Ways the FBI Can Help You Sell More



Be More Aware and Be More Persuasive Ever wonder how an FBI negotiator can start a conversation that ends with a desperate, armed criminal giving up peacefully? That’s got to be one of the most challenging sales jobs ever! On today’s show discover: … how you can use FBI negotiation strategies to make better connections with your customers; … ways to communicate that help guide your customer to make the best decision … and how to be more persuasive on the sales floor. I recently read an interesting article about an ex-FBI agent, Mark Goulston, who is taking his experiences as a negoiator and applying proven techniques he’s learned to business….they also translate really well to sales! I wanted to share them with you today…so let’s get right into it.    Tip #1 Get them to talk.   So the first thing you need to do as an FBI negoiator is to get them to talk. (sound familiar?….it should because that’s critically important in sales too!) When your customer is talking they’re involved and more apt to self-discover