Ko Sales Coach

You’ll Never Win, The Blame Game



It’s a popular game to play, especially when something goes wrong. Maybe you’ve played it yourself ..it’s the Blame Game. You know pointing the finger at something when a sale goes south. They didn’t have any money They thought it was Free They just didn’t want to buy It’s easy to do and sometimes these things you blame might even be legit but the question is do you ever actually win when you play the blame game? On today’s show discover: … how to find the value in a lost sale; … why focusing on those things you can control sets you up for success; …and why you’ll never win the blame game. Subscribe to KO Sales Coach iTunes | Android | Email | RSS | More Subscribe Options Leave a Rating and Review in iTunes The U.S.S. Missouri was underway and headed to its final destination when sailors on the bridge saw a light in the distance. The Captain was notified and he radioed ahead, “We are headed your way. Change your course 10 degrees south.” After a short period a signal came back, “You change 10 degrees nort