Ko Sales Coach

How to Make Way More Money Cross Selling



Today’s show is brought to you by the letters A, B , C and X because we’re talking about cross selling today and the fundamentals that make it a big money maker for you.   On today’s show discover: …how cross selling benefits everyone, especially you; …how to cross sell without making your customer cross; …and a simple proven method for cross selling more and making more commission today! Leave a Rating and Review in iTunes   What is Cross Selling? Cross selling is offering your customer another product that either enhances the product they are buying or addresses another need you uncover during your conversation.  Who benefits from cross selling? Cross selling is an important part of the sales process because it provides a positive customer experience and maximizes your opportunity at the same time. It’s a win for the customer, you and your company! The ABCs of X-selling A = X-sell After You Close  B = Be Brief and Assumptive  C = Close the X-sell Two proven methods to cross sell more! Offer every time