Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Arezou Zarafshan: Founder of Startup Fundraising Academy – 091



Raising capital to launch or grow a venture can be a foreign and intimidating subject for many people, men and women alike.  Today’s Extraordinary Women Radio guest, Arezou Zarafshan helps founders improve their odds of getting funding through VC’s or angel investors. She’s one of my very extraordinary clients and she’s doing important work in a field where there aren’t many women. She’s a trailblazer showing up on big stages leading important conversations, and I’m so proud of the work she is doing. Arezou grew up in Iran amidst the Iran-Iraq war, and she shares her story on how this environment shaped who she is today. During that trying time as a young girl, she discovered her own resiliency. A valuable gift that she counts on in her life today. "You learn to survive. You learn not to get traumatized by these things." ~ Arezou Zarafshan Today, Arezou runs the Startup Fundraising Academy, helping companies raise capital efficiently and effectively. The stats in startup funding are a bit daunting: On